TANGENT (S2001-22-1) - he/him

Medical Assistant

- Medical Assistant Certification (Provisional)

Specialties: General Care, Database Management

Location: CBTN-50726f7879 Medical Outpost "Proxy"

Personnel Bio: Tangent is a relatively new addition to the medical field, having only just recently decided to make himself useful (Dude???) change fields.

Ever-enthusiastic, he has already begun to make a name for himself as an essential part of the team. And quite good for morale. (Okay, now I know who's been writing these. I can tell you're being sarcastic.)

AutoBio: [None Provided.]

Additional Notes: Okay, fine. Knock yourself out here. (Thank you, Axon. Glad someone likes to hear me talk.) Never said I liked it... You're supposed to write a bio. (Like yours? I don't think I could wax poetic about the nature of sparks like that.) You don't have to! Just— Talk about yourself. You dragged me over for this, at least write something. (Okay, okay. Uhmmm. This wasn't really where I expected myself to end up, but I'm glad to be here. All I can do is my best... and I intend to do exactly that.)

...Good. That was good! (Great. Can you go give 'Chase a scolding for that debacle up there, now?) Sure. Was already gonna, anyway. (Thanks. I'll get all of this mess reformatted later.)