Patient Name: A__IMONY (“Antimony”) - Primary Physician(s): AXON (& Tangent)

"ANTIMONY" (???) - any pronouns

Affiliation Unknown - Rank Unknown

Species: Cybertronian

Alt. Mode: Jet Plane (Unspecified)

Location: CBTN-50726f7879 Medical Outpost "Proxy"

Status: Online, Numerous Malfunctions

Medical History: Unknown: Patient claims memory loss from processor damage post-crash (Consistent with later behavior indicating short-term amnesia as well.)

Notes: Disposition varies widely from cycle-to-cycle, from cooperative to outwardly hostile. Caution is advised; wait until they feel agreeable before attempting extensive treatments or procedures to avoid additional damage. Patient should NOT be left unsupervised under ANY circumstances.


XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Patient arrived after crash-landing. No insignia, but they’re a flyer, so really…

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Chances this is a trap: extremely high. But it’s not my call. Patient is recovering…
(Why would the Decepticons damage one of their own so badly? Unless that’s PART of the trap!?)

XX-XX-XXXxXX [ACCESS DENIED] | They’re awake! As awake as they can be, at least. In pretty bad shape. If they came here…
(Yay, they’re friendly!)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Damage is extensive. Got (some of) a name: “A___imony.” Presumably Antimony. An odd…

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Managed to get some more work done. Flight almost fully repaired, but memory banks still…
(To be fair to you, it IS pretty “convenient” that they don’t remember much.)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [[CCESS DENIED] | They’re settling in well. If this is some kind of Decepticon trick, they really are a good actor…
(You checked like 20 times, there’s no chance they’re transmitting anything. Cool it, okay?)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Even with near-constant monitor0ng, they managed to sneak off! No thanks to Tangent…
(Hey, a guy’s gotta nap. Not my fault the security backups borked.)

!! [ERROR - FILE CORRUPTED!] | ·šÒ>…gÑØ·þø‚³¨¦¯k:®Î«”}ÞšåC¥Ü–°dÙÑørÐî心ö³{ŸKC˜êPûúºÔ¾:¯sßXa £áÍŠ–†£‰Ä?ÿjjV £áÍŠ–†£
(I really didn’t expect this to get so out of hand so quickly.)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Finally found. No surprise: lots of damaged equipment in their wake. But they seem…
(OK, I guess there’s still a chance…)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Good news to everyone on team “friendship”: they don’t seem to fully understand what's…
(YOU SEE!! No Decepticon would do such a messy job. Nobody was even injured. (At least not badly.))

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | They’re mostly stable at this point, b+t there’s only so much I can do about the r…
(NOTE TO SELF: Put in for new terminals. It’s been a while, and mine keeps turning off on its own.)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | I’m calling to up the security in here (or move them into a cell.) I know they mean well, but…
(A cell!? Really???????????? Really???????? ‘Mony’s just scared, and confused. Like I said, COOL IT.)

XX-XX-XXXVŒ7 [ACCESS DENIED] | I really wish you Íal would listen to me more often. Things are getting worse he…
(I still don’t see how our equipment being way overdue for replacement is their fault.)

XX-XX-XXXoXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Is anybody even reading my reports anymore!? How am I supÞšsed to get any work done…
(I’m reading them! :] )

XX-XXXXXX [ACCESSí;£RANTEDj^( | It is my executive opinion that we should cease treatment immediately. Unfortunately… … If you're seeing this on the page, tell quinn because youre not supposed to. so i fucked something up. if youre seeing this in inspect element...... im flattered youre looking here :) no secrets here yet though.