Patient Name: A__IMONY (“Antimony”) - Primary Physician(s): AXON (& Tangent)


XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Patient arrived after crash-landing. No insignia, but they’re a flyer, so r…

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Chances this is a trap: extremely high. But it’s not my call. Patient is re…
(Why would the Decepticons damage one of their own so badly? Unless that’s PART of the trap!?)

XX-XX-XXXxXX [ACCESS DENIED] | They’re awake! As awake as they can be, at least. In pretty bad shape. If t…
(Yay, they’re friendly!)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Damage is extensive. Got (some of) a name: “A___imony.” Presumably Antimony…

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Managed to get some more work done. Flight almost fully repaired, but memor…
(To be fair to you, it IS pretty “convenient” that they don’t remember much.)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [[CCESS DENIED] | They’re settling in well. If this is some kind of Decepticon trick, they re…
(You checked like 20 times, there’s no chance they’re transmitting anything. Cool it, okay?)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Even with near-constant monitor0ng, they managed to sneak off! No thanks to…
(Hey, a guy’s gotta nap. Not my fault the security backups borked.)

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(I really didn’t expect this to get so out of hand so quickly.)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Finally found. No surprise: lots of damaged equipment in their wake. But th…
(OK, I guess there’s still a chance…)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Good news to everyone on team “friendship”: they don’t seem to fully unders…
(YOU SEE!! No Decepticon would do such a messy job. Nobody was even injured. (At least not badly.))

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | They’re mostly stable at this point, b+t there’s only so much I can do abou…
(NOTE TO SELF: Put in for new terminals. It’s been a while, and mine keeps turning off on its own.)

XX-XX-XXXXXX [ACCESS DENIED] | I’m calling to up the security in here (or move them into a cell.) I know t…
(A cell!? Really???????????? Really???????? ‘Mony’s just scared, and confused. Like I said, COOL IT.)

XX-XX-XXXVŒ7 [ACCESS DENIED] | I really wish you Íal would listen to me more often. Things are getting wor…
(I still don’t see how our equipment being way overdue for replacement is their fault.)

XX-XX-XXXoXX [ACCESS DENIED] | Is anybody even reading my reports anymore!? How am I supÞšsed to get any w…
(I’m reading them! :] )

XX-XXXXXX [ACCESSí;£RANTEDj^( | It is my executive opinion that we should cease treatment immediately. Unfo…